
Monday, February 14, 2011

Banana plant (Musa nana [cavendishii])

Dwarf banana plant-sold as Musa acuminate-will reach six feet at maturity. This banana variety is not a tree, since the stem is nearly all water and has no bark. Keep this luxuriant tropical plant indoor-the large, tender leaves tear easily in the wind.

The banana plant thrives on bright, indirect sun.

Keep soil moist all year. Watch the leaves. They are hinged along the central rib and will fold down or turn brown if the plant isn’t receiving enough water.

Special Helps
Supply your banana plant with rich, porous soil. Give a light application of any completely soluble or liquid fertilizer every other month from March to September.
You will find your banana virtually pest-free. Old leaves at base of stem turn yellow; cut them off with a knife or scissors. Mature plant will deteriorate after several years. Cut off at base and discard (or cut up for compost pile, if you have one). If the plant is large, you may need a saw for this task. Divide and repot the sucker that have formed underground at the base of the parent plant. (They would crowd each other  if left undisturbed.) Dig down carefully, separate the sprouts, each with its roots, and pot up. 

Source : Growing Houseplants

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