
Monday, February 14, 2011

Avocado (Persea americana)

To prevent this cost-free houseplant from getting to tall, cut at least 1.5 inches off the top to induce branching. Do the same with branch tips.

A sunny east window is fine, but keep plant away from direct sun of south and west exposure.

Water as soon as the soil surface feels dry. The container should have good drainage to avoid root rot.

Special Helps
Save a few seeds from the fruits bought for eating purpose. Wash seeds in warm water to remove clinging matter. Plant seed in potting soil with ¼ of the pointed end of seed above soil level. Or root in a glass jar or other clear container. Stick four toothpicks into seeds so it will rest on edge of glass. Keep level water touching broad base of seed. Position in a warm spot without direct sun. Germination is fastest at 85 F-slower at lower temperatures. Only mature seeds will germinate. In four to eight weeks the seed will split as a tiny stem arises. Pot up carefully when well rooted.

Source : Growing Houseplants


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