
Monday, April 4, 2011

Rex Begonia Planting Media

Planting medium is a key component when it will grow crops. Planting medium that will be used must be tailored to the type of what to plant crops. Determine appropriate planting medium and standard for different types of plants native habitat is difficult. This is because each region has its humidity and wind speed are different. In general, the planting medium must be able to keep moisture around the root area, providing enough air, and may withhold the availability of nutrients.
To get a good planting medium and according to the type of crop to be planted, a hobbyists must have an understanding of the characteristics of growing media which may vary from each type. Especially for begonia rex is the most suitable media bamboo leaves which had almost rotted included in the category of organic matter use of organic materials as planting media is far superior compared with inorganic materials. That's because organic material is able to provide nutrients for plants. In addition, organic materials also have pores macro and micro are nearly balanced so that the resulting air circulation is good enough and has high water absorption.
Organic materials will undergo a process of weathering or decomposition by microorganisms. Through this process, will produce carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and minerals. Minerals produced is a source of nutrients that can be absorbed by plants as a food substance. However, the process of decomposition is too fast can lead to the emergence of seedling disease. To avoid this, the planting medium must be frequently replaced. Therefore, the addition of nutrients should be given before the material must still planting medium underwent decomposition.
Based on the author's experience with the media bamboo leaf begonia plant roots is very easy to develop because if there is excess water would be easily wasted and also available free air in the media because there are a lot of air cavity.

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