
Sunday, February 27, 2011


Temperature. The most favorable temperature for interior plants during the day is 65 to 70° and during the nigh, 60 to 65° F. During the summer, plants that are located in direct sunlight may need to be moved or shaded during midday to avoid extreme heat and injury.

During the winter, plants may need to be moved away from the window. The window is the colder part of the room, especially if there are no storm windows. If the plants are to be kept near the window, some sort of protection such as plastic or paper is needed.

Houseplants may be moved outside if done gradually. It should be done until the night temperature is regularly above 60° F. Do not put plants directly in the sun. It can be a great shock to the plants and will do them no good. Slowly put them into direct sunlight. It takes time for plants to get used to the different light intensities and the higher temperatures. When the outdoor temperatures begin to go lower than 60° F., the plants should be brought back inside.

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